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EzParts Parts Catalog Software has extended the boundaries of the traditional parts and service channel to include powerful tools that maximize the manufacturers up sell opportunity. Traditionally the parts and service channel has been utilized to fulfill a traditional parts replacement and procurement role. With EzParts parts catalog software the manufacturer has the unparalleled opportunity to maximize the opportunity presented during the interaction of the dealer, customer and manufacturer.

EzParts parts catalog software organizes and presents your companies engineering work product, sales, parts and service data into a cohesive centralized data store for logical presentation to your dealer network and customers.

The EzData tool assists and guides you through the process of indexing, linking, embedding and securing resources in the central data store generating an intuitive, cohesive parts and service knowledgebase.

The EzParts Web and Local Viewers act as the presentation layer for the data store. They present the information contained in the knowledgebase to the user in an organized, easy-to-navigate interface. The viewers maximize the dealer and customer experience while disseminating the knowledge contained in the knowledgebase in an effective manner.

EzParts parts catalog allows you to customize how your data is displayed. The user has multiple tools available to assist in quickly locating the required parts and service data. These functions are primarily performed using the drill down Navigation Tree or Search. Searching allows the user to type any key word, model, part number, serial number or other relevant product information or term and immediately be presented with the relevant data.

The data that is presented to the user may consist of data in almost any format including Illustrations with attached Bills of Material, Images, Movies, Portable Documents, 3D, HTM, HTML, Flash, third party proprietary formats such as MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Rich Text, InkWriter, Write, WordPerfect and Works. Literally thousands of formats can be combined, organized and presented appropriately. This includes resources generated from your Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems, Electronic Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems, Product Data Management (PDM) Systems and your Document Management System (DMS) as well as third party and external resources and data.
Global parts information including notes, parts replacement, substitution and other data is combined with illustration specific Bill of Material data including illustration specific notes and data to provide an information-rich, effective troubleshooting environment.
  • Locate where parts are used. Globally or on select models.
  • Navigate easily using built in drill downs, searches and related data links that guide you through only relevant data.
  • Search and "filter" data by part number, model, serial number, description, series or other text data.
  • Prioritize notes and information that is displayed to the user. Force the user to acknowledge that they reviewed that data before allowing them to proceed.
  • Create pick lists and orders. Submit orders directly to the dealers business system or the manufacturers back end systems for processing.
  • Print or fax data for later review or for providing to a customer.
  • Display warranty information and technical service bulletins in an effective manner.
  • Monitor and utilize the parts and service channel for up-sell opportunities.
  • Allow dealers and users to create notes that only they can see.
  • Allow in-house staff to create notes for internal use only or for dealers to see.
  • Determine and control by user what resources and information are available to that user.
  • Globally mark portions of the dataset for OEM use only limiting the display of information or specific documents.
  • Display all relevant information on one screen with easy to follow links to supplemental data.
  • Associate supplemental parts, "like" parts and remanufactured parts with BOM parts data providing the user with more purchasing alternatives.
  • Create notes classifications and limit access to specific classes of notes to specific users. Notes can include links to internal resources, parts, assemblies or external third party resources.
  • Embed or link to third party resources directly in EzParts.
  • Drag and Drop linking to third party application.
  • Viewers support exporting of parts data to third party applications.
  • Open architecture.
  • Email schematic and parts list to customer or third party.
  • Show one or any number of pricing columns and strategies to the user based on login.

To request a free demonstration of the EzParts parts and service catalog software and eCommerce system please click on the button below. Our representative will gladly provide an overview of the software and review your needs to determine how EzParts can suit your needs.

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