Rules for Entering Search String

The enhanced EzParts Web online electronic parts catalog allows you to perform complex searches. Complex searches can help reduce the number of search results and help you find the models, schematics, drawings, illustrations, service and repair data as well as replacement parts data in the online catalog faster.

UPPER and lower case is ignored for the purpose of determining search results.

The following characters are treated as special operation instructions for search:


By default EzParts search will search for each "word" regardless of the word order.
Placing multiple words inside of double quote characters will instruct EzParts to search for a phrase with a specific word order.


Vertical bar character. It is used as the OR conditional operator.


Ampersand character. It is used as the AND conditional operator.

[ ... ]

Square brackets characters. They are used to specify the priority of logical operation.


The percent character acts as a wild card.

Examples of search directives and the results they return are below:

Search Text



will return the results, which contain Bolt in the text.


will return the results, which end with Bolt.


will return the results, which start with Bolt.


will return results that contain the word Bolt in the results text.
Identical to searching for Bolt with no % directive.

Bolt Shoulder will return results which contain Bolt and Shoulder in the text.

Bolt & Shoulder or Bolt&Shoulder will return results which contain Bolt and Shoulder in the text.

Bolt | Shoulder or Bolt|Shoulder will return results which contain either Bolt, Shoulder or Bolt and Shoulder.

"Bolt Shoulder" will return results which contain the exact text Bolt Shoulder in the results.

You can use complex search query to get better results:

Search Text


"bolt shoulder" & 49

will return results which contain the phrase bolt shoulder and the number 49 in the text.


will return results which start with the text 150 or contain the phrase BOLT SHOULDER in the results text.


will return results which start with the text 150 and contain the phrase BOLT SHOULDER in the results text.

150 | [bolt & shoulder]

will return results which contain 150 or bolt and shoulder in the text.

150 & [bolt & shoulder]

will return results which contain 150 and the words bolt and shoulder in the results text.

Notes on Rules for Entering Search String

  • Before searching for needed parts and resources, please, note that the search is case insensitive, which means that abc, ABC and Abc are identical.

  • An error message will be shown in the following cases:

    • if odd number of the " symbol is used;
    • if the & and | symbols are typed one after another, without spaces (e.g., |&);
    • if only one operand is entered and & or | operators are used (e.g., abc &).

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