Searching for Schematics

Use the following steps to search for schematics:

  1. Click the tab with the magnifying glass on the Navigation Tree or the Search button on the Main Toolbar to open a new Search tab.

  2. Enter the schematic name taken from the Navigation Tree or schematic caption taken from the Resource tab into the Search for field. For more information, refer to the the Rules for Entering Search String article.

  3. Select Schematics from the drop-down list under the Search for field.

  4. Click the Search button or press Enter on the keyboard to start the search process. The program will find all schematics which meet the search criteria.

  5. The search results will be displayed on the Schematics tab. Click the reference in the Resource list to display the schematic in the Resource Display Area or click the reference in the Model list to navigate to the model in the Navigation Tree.

  1. Click the reference in the Resource list on the Schematics tab to display the corresponding schematic in the Resource Display Area.

  2. Click the reference in the Model list on the Schematics tab to navigate to the model with a needed schematic in the Navigation Tree.

See Also:


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